Official nameWales (part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland)CapitalCardiffCoordinates51°30’ N, 3°10’ WLocationWales occupies the south-western part of the island of Great Britain.AreaTotal area: 20 779 sq kmLand boundaries360 km (the UK)Coastline12 429 km (the UK)Administrative divisionWales is divided into 22 unitary authorities.Political systemUnited Kingdom is constitutional monarchy. Queen (or king) is the chief of state. Monarchy is hereditary. Prime Minister is the head of government and appoints the Cabinet of Ministers. Parliament is bicameral and consists of House of Lords and House of Commons, both with over 600 seats. Population3 004 600Ethnic groupsBritish (English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish) 92%, other (e.g. Indian, Pakistani) 8%ReligionsChristian 72%, Muslim 3%, Hindu 1%, other 24%