Official nameKingdom of the NetherlandsCapitalAmsterdam (The Hague is the seat of government)Coordinates52°30’ N, 5°45’ ELocationThe Netherlands is located in Western Europe and shares borders with Belgium on the south and Germany on the west.AreaTotal area: 41 526 sq kmLand area: 33 883 sq kmWater area: 7 643 sq kmLand boundaries1 027 kmCoastline451 kmAdministrative divisionThe Netherlands is divided into 12 provinces.Political systemThe Netherlands is a constitutional monarchy. Monarch is the chief of state. Monarchy is hereditary. Prime Minister, the head of government, is appointed by the monarch (usually the leader of a majority party). Parliament – States General (Staten Generaal) is bicameral and consists of the First Chamber (Eerste Kamer) with 75 seats and the Second Chamber (Tweede Kamer) with 150 seats.Population16 715 999Ethnic groupsDutch 81%, EU nationals 5%, Indonesian 2%, Turkish 2%, Surinamese 2%, Moroccan 2%, other 6%ReligionsRoman Catholic 30%, Dutch Reformed 11%, Calvinist 6%, other Protestant 3%, Muslim 6%, other 44%