



DAN - Divers Alert Network

DAN is an international non-profit organization that offers specialized assistance to divers in case of emergency. The DAN alarm centers anywhere in the world are active 24h. Besides medical support, DAN carries out research concerning diving safety, organizes courses and trainings.


Divers Alert Network Europe (DAN)

24h hotline: +39 642118685

E-mail: mail@daneurope.org



DAN Central Office Italy (the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea)

P.O. Box DAN 64026

Roseto (Te), Italy

Tel.: +39 858930333

Fax: +39 858930050

E-mail: mail@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Balkans (Serbia and Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina)

Milovana Marinkovica 17

11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro

Tel./Fax: +381 112471040

E-mail: balkans@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Benelux (Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg)

Tel./Fax: refer to Central Office in Italy

E-mail: benelux@daneurope.org


Dan Europe Office Česko (Czech Republic)

K Brizkam 4

Hradec Kralove, PSC 500 09

Czech Republic

Tel.: +420 495516147

Fax: +420 495264641

E-mail: cekia@daneurope.org


Dan Europe Office Croatia (Croatia)

Kruge 19A

10000 Zagreb, Croatia

Fax: +385 16151900

E-mail: croatia@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office France (France)

Service de Médecine Hyperbare

Centre Hospitalier d'Ajaccio

27 Avenue Impératrice Eugénie


Tel./Fax: refer to Central Office in Italy

E-mail: france@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Germany (Germany, Austria, Hungary)

Eichkoppelweg 70

24119 Kronshagen, Germany

Tel.: +49 431549861

Fax: +49 431544288

E-mail: germany@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Hellas (Greece)

C/o Hyperbaric Medical Center

5 Klazomenon st.

Tavros Athens 17778, Greece

Tel./Fax.: +30 2103462898

E-mail : hellas@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Ibérica (Andorra, Portugal, Spain)

CRIS Unitat de Terapèutica Hiperbàrica

Dos de Maig 301, Hospital Creu Roja

08025 Barcelona, Spain

Tel.: +34 933477366

Fax: +34 934503736

E-mail: iberica@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Malta (Malta)

26, Triq Fidiel Zarb

Gharghur NXR07, Malta

Tel.: +356 21419804

Fax: +356 21419294

E-mail: malta@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Polska (Poland)

National Center for Hyperbaric Medicine

Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine

Medical University of Gdansk

Powstania Styczniowego 9B

Gdynia 81-519, Poland       

Tel.: +48 586998610

Fax: +48 586222789

E-mail: polska@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Skandinavien (Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland)

P.O. Box 11

2830 Virum, Denmark

Tel.: +45 45836330

Fax: +45 45836331

E-mail: skandinavien@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Slovenia (Slovenia)

Department of Automation, Biocybernetics and Robotics

Jozef Stefan Institute

Jamova 39

SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Tel: +386 41696558

Fax: +386 14232209

E-mail: slovenia@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Suisse (Switzerland)

Faubourg du Lac 67

2502 Biel, Switzerland

Tel.: +41 323223823

Fax: +41 323223839

E-mail: suisse@daneurope.org


DAN Europe Office Turkey (Turkey)

C/o Yavuztürk Sok, No32, D:1; Sögütlüçesme

34716, Kadiköy Istanbul, Turkey

Tel.: +90 5333415404

E-mail: turkey@daneurope.org


DAN Europe UK (United Kingdom, Gibraltar, Ireland)

EMP House, Telford Way

Coalville, Leicestershire, LE67 3HE

United Kindom

Tel.: +44 8450291990

Fax: +44 8450291991

E-mail: uk@daneurope.org